Monday, September 14, 2015

Make money with Streaming Videos (no invensment) Newbie Friendly

I will show you a method that i used, still am actually since this can be made autopilot. Sorry if my English is bad, its not my mother language.
Ok so we will be using Vodlocker and Solarmovie is. (I still can't post links)
I think you can use any Streaming website but i went with Vodlocker since you can copy other members videos into your account for free.
So head over to Vodlocker and make an account. (You can sign up under me use slash free892. html, you don't have to if you dont want but i would appreciat it).
Then got to Solarmovie is, and make an account there. (To become a linker and add links to any movie you want you will need to have over 75 submitted links and 400+ rep)
Now there is a trick you can use to become a linker with ease.
1. Click on the Movies or TV Shows menu.
2. Click on Latest ( and open every movie or show that has less then 5 submitted links)
3. If someone else has already submitted a link with vodlocker click on the link and go play video then right click and inspect element and find the vodlocker link).
4. Go back to vodlocker and go to upload files and then copy files. Remove the embed- and -640x360 copy link and boom you also have the movie in you account.
5. Submit a link to solarmovie with your vodlocker
If it doesnt have a vodlocker link then try to search in google movie name site:vodlocker or download the movie and upload it (This is to much work actually just find a movie with a vodlocker link already)
And scale, you will submit links to become a linker and get traffic to your vodlocker video at the same time. You can also submit your links to other sites i when with solarmovie because its a well visited site and you can copy movies.
For payment proof go to imgur just type slash 6Acn7JY - this is the picture ID.
This a good mehod for newbies looking for a almost autopilot methoed with a litte work. You won't make a lot of money with this but its a start :)
If you have any question ask here i cant answer to pm's.
Also you can join other websites like Vodlocker and upload videos there and then add the link on the same movie that your vodlocker link is just with a diffrent website. They allow this actually :D
And you can add links to new movies like Ant-man or Terminator Genesis but its hard, you have to add the link when they add the movie like in the first 1 maybe 2 hours tops and it has to have less then 5-8 submitted links. Then when others post links and the movie has 200-300+ links your link will also be there and if it gets voted up and up it will be the first link(and a recomended one) for the movie. This has happened to me so yea it hard but not impossible.

3 NEWBIE easy to do methods $10/day

I felt to give back to community, so I will post this methods.
Keep in mind, this ones are blackhat, they are quite known and most of you older guys will recognize it.
Please don't hate, I'm just trying to help.
Also keep in mind to add your own twists, nothing will work like it worked for someone else
Basically you need to choose 3 or so dating offers. Or any offer really that pays out for registering on a site and creating a profile etc. Payout all together should be like $10-$15.
State that you are looking to employ someone with very little technical knowledge to be a site testers. Basically their job would be reviewing sites and checking it for bugs and spelling mistakes etc. They would have to test the functionality of the site and see if everything is running smoothly. Pay would be per site reviewed and make it look appealing.
When people contact you explain that you are not receiving many applicants so they have high chances of getting the job. At first tell them to sign up with 3 sites (your aff links) And on these sites they would have to test functionality. So that means that they would have to upload pictures , create profiles etc. Send messages through the site system. Really test everything. Tell them that you know exactly how many "bugs" there are , so all they have to do is come back to you with the number of "bugs" they found.
Doing that which will make them look legit active leads. This is a method that works amazingly in offline world. Like newspapers etc.
You can pay them like $5-10 and make profit, or if you are really blackhatish, don't pay them. You can promote this on any classfied ad, most popluar would be craiglist.

This is just a quick overview of something you can try out if you like if you’re going to crawl and extract people’s e-mails from CL
''Hi There,
I was just looking at your post on Craigslist. I'm an Advertising Student, and as part of an assignment we have to show our skills in marketing something which is free. (We aren't allowed to make money from this assignment unfortunately, lol)
So, what I'm going to do is to show you where to get some *blah blah blah for Free Yes, they really are free! If you get them from the link below, I will get the "credit" for a lead, and I just might pass this course Thanks in advance for at least checking this out.
AFF Link Here''
You could also say, and I just might win this contest if you play the contest route/spin
Go to Commission Junction and apply for the "freelance" offer. Basically it pays around $9 for a person who signs up the site.
Now go to forums or CL etc and say that you are looking for a website designed (can be any job. For instance articles written etc)
Basically sound like a noob. For instance tell that you need 10 500 word articles written. And you would pay $35 for each article. When people contact you, tell them that you will only accept them if they sign up with your "freelance" site and apply through that. Explain them that this is for security measures, so if anything goes wrong, there will be a record of all your conversations etc. And of course every time they do , you'll get paid.

3rd is the easiest one, you just need to find some offer which pays when someone registers on freelance site.
Hope I helped, and please don't trash or hate, methods can work flawless with just little twists, be creative
Hope to see you makin some money

How I got accepted into every CPA network as a noob. Easily.

I realize there's a thread here, after skimming it I realized it was way too long of a process...

So I'm going to share my experience with getting accepted into every cpa network, including peerfly (which I'm told is hard).

Please keep in mind this was years ago and times do change.

Regardless I hope you find this helpful, and I would bet it still works.

Step 1: Have a "I'm not desperate" mentality when applying. I never was, and even though I had earned "$xx,xxx" at the time I still would consider myself a noob considering I was only into the CPA world for a few months.

Step 2: When applying to the network I never once gave them a website, in the forms (if there were any) I said something along the lines of "confidential" then in the additional info box I would explain I've had niches stolen in the past and do not want to risk it.

Step 3: When they ask why you're applying I always put something short and sweet with no formalities it makes me seem like I had little time to spare and was not trying hard. I put something along the lines of "I'm currently using (long list of CPA platforms) and was interested if yours could earn me more.

Step 4: Whatever additional info is required keep that "I'm not desperate" mentality, or just confidence... Think about it, if you're making HUGE money, do you expect to be rejected? No, of course not, I never expected to be rejected, and I never was.

That's it. If you have anything else you would like to add, or if you try this and have results to share please do.

PS: This was about 3 years ago I did this, and found myself a member of most CPA networks, BlamAds (bankrupt) Leadbolt (Before they switched focus to mobile) CPALead (They'll accept anyone and I suggest you stay away from them, long story), Peerfly (which after someone telling me they were hard to get into inspired this post)... A few others I can't seem to recall, but I know they existed.