Friday, February 12, 2016

$70+ per Day Adult Video Uploading System

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[Gold Method]How I Make Money

Ok people, I posted some nice methods from time to time here, and I made nice money with all of them.

So today I want to show you method that made me 5-6 figures and it's still making me 2-3 figures per day, every day.

Method is NEWBIES friendly as always and it's pretty easy to follow it, crate your own twist and make steady passive income for a lifetime.

This can make tons of money to anyone so you should try it even if you are not interested in it.

Method is stupid, it's basic marketing, but even some professionals sometimes forget how simple things can make money.

So, I will start with my story:

2 years ago I started my wordpress themes site (it's down now) and I started sharing some themes from internet, plugins and stuff.

When I started with this business I realized that every wordpress theme company (site like Themeforest) have their own Affiliate program.

They will basically let you register for free, give you banners and everything and if you send someone to buy their themes you will get 20-70% (some sites will give you more, some of them will give you less).

So I started promoting this, and this method was one of my main reasons why I started with IM and affiliate marketing.

I started with 3 companies, I started promoting their themes on Reddit, Forums and stuff and I made few sales, maybe 5 sales in a week, so that was some nice income (100$ per week) for 2 hours of work.

After that I invested maybe 20$ per day in Ad space on blogs, forums, Adwords, Bind Ads, and I started making 4-5X my investment.

So I came up with this method, and, it's kinda simple, so you will think that this is not going to work for you, but invest 30$ and try, believe me.


Find some Wordpress themes company (ex. Themeforest, ElegantThemes...) and register as an affiliate, it's free.


Download their banners (most of them will give you free banners) and if they don't you can create your own banners in Photoshop.


Find blogs and forums with some of these topics: Wordpress, Internet marketing, SEO or Blogging and buy AD space there, if you find some nice forum buy Signature space there, and you can buy Ad space on forums too.

Buy Bing ads and Adwords ads, buy 20$ Reddit Ads.

(If you have some money try investing 100$ in this method, you will get few sales, and you will get at least 150-200$ commission)


Insert your Affiliate banners in that Ad space.

If you create your own banner, use this code to add it in your Ad space: 

<a href="Your Affiliate Link Here"><img alt="" src="Your banner (upload it to some free uploading site and add link here)"></a>

and if you use some default company banners just insert it there.


Wait for clicks on your AD and spend your money on more great ideas. 


Why would someone even buy something through my affiliate link?
- People who are looking for wordpress themes, will buy wordpress themes, and they don't know if it's your affiliate link.
Just like people looking for mobile phones are probably interested in buying one.

How much money can I make with this method?
- More investment = More reach = More clicks = More sales = More commission
On average, you will make 2X your investment.
So, if you invest 20$ in ads you will make 40$.

[Advanced Guide] How I Make Amazon Affiliate Sites

Why Amazon Affiliates?

I picked Amazon up after I was making pennies with my long term ad based sites. Even ranking super high competition KWs in the health niche I was getting low conversions and a few clicks a day. I optimized the site and capped at $50 a day in passive income. This was a massive site which had a HUGE PBN propping it up. These KWs were often very high search volume and high competition. 

I then decided to try Amazon on the same site. My little $50 doubled to $100 overnight. I still had adsence ads on the site, but made a killing with small products and my traffic. 

That was an eye opener for me personally. After a couple hick ups I decided to sell off a few websites which were ad based, liquidate my PBN pointing to the largest site and pump my resources into a new Amazon site which is making me $100 a day in under a month. 

If you know SEO you know it is not that hard once you have networks to rank. 

I picked Amazon because it is passive, Amazon is better to deal with than any other vendor I have worked with, and the money is GOOD. 

How to NOT get banned from Amazon / Google

Yes, you can get banned from Amazon. Two things can happen to your Amazon Affiliate website, one is you get a penalty for thin content from Google. This is fairly common. Google does not like pages filled with ads and out bound links which is what most Affiliate Sites are. 

That has been discussed to death. How to avoid that? A lot of original content and a few articles without out bound links. 

What I did was do KW research for KWs in the niche with no real commercial intent, low CPC with adsense, and super low competition but decent search volume. I bought a $5 article on the topic and put it up. I then would simply do manual linking to my pages with affiliate products on them.

Why do this? The KWs I was targeting have no competition and due to low CPC, I will never get anSEO to compete with me. This gives my sites easy traffic and several pages which can act as a landing page to my offers and it vastly prevents a Google ban or penalty.

The topic many people do not talk about is getting banned by Amazon. You have two ways (Most common ways) to get a ban by Amazon. Before I get into that, most people never thought they could get banned from Amazon. 

An Amazon ban is closing your account. You can apply as many times as you want so it is no big deal. The pain is if you get banned you need to replace ALL of your affiliate links. This makes it a huge pain in the butt to completely change up your website. For that reason alone I suggest you be careful and follow my advice. 

The most common way Amazon will hit you is too many affiliate links OR have a lot of non - Amazon ads. If for some reason Amazon feels you have too little original content and a LOT of links on a single page, they can revoke your advertising permission. How do I 'test' this? I put an affiliate link on a site. By an affiliate link I mean I had about five or so links on a page with 300 words of spun content plus a couple images with my link. I had this site with about 100 pages with the same set up. I made a sale quickly and Amazon hit me for the thin content. This is also one of the reasons you should not combine Amazon with Adsense, it costs you money AND it can get you banned from Amazon due to thin content.

I split tested this a bit to see what I could get away with. You will skate by most of the time unless you get reviewed. Poor content is not the only cause. Poor content and a LOT of out bound links is. If I kept out bound links below 1 per 500 words with horrid content, I never had any issues. 

Do you need to follow this guide? No. I do it just for my own peace of mind and so I do not need to re - tool a project later on. 

How to Pick a Niche and Products

How do I pick a niche and the right products? It starts with KW Research. I brainstorm KWs which contain high selling products. These products are often automotive, home, and other such products. I always aim for $100 plus products so I will make at least a couple dollars per transaction. 

A lot of guides exist for KW research (I even have one in JR VIP for how I pick a niche) so I will not dive into that. But I want to clear something up in this section. That is KW competition. 

Most automated KW research programs will give false positives for KW competition. By this I mean a KW with ZERO competition will come up as high competition. This is because every program will check the top ten, the number of back links and the strength of the root domain. 

On a surface level you will think this is right. But you are missing something important. You are missing the fact a site, especially Authority sites can rank for unrelated KWs. 

In these cases you can get a flag of high competition because the top ten includes Youtube and Amazon pages but these pages are targeting a different KW and have no exact match anchor links backing them up. 

Most SEOs will even think they are high competition, but they are often not. You need to check the individual pages back link profile and the top twenty to see if any sites are even targeting the KW. 

False positives out of the way with automation, time to discuss how I get good Amazon KWs. Everyone who knows me knows I am not good at KW research. Competition analysis? I am spot on. So I buy most of my KWs I use. On BHW there are three Amazon KW sellers I have used:

1. Jared - JR Exec VIP & Expert Content Seller
2. Ste Fishkin - Lovable Troll and KW Seller
3. Andres - KW Seller and Content Seller

Jared is expensive, but when he has KWs they are top notch and the best I have used. True zero comp Amazon KWs. Ste Fishkin also has good KWs with very low competition and most likely in the future when Jared is out and I need more I will be using Ste. 

Andres is my regular KW guy. KWs are better than most other sellers on BHW. Manually verified to be low competition. Not zero competition but low enough where a newbie can rank them. 

I also keep an eye on buyer intent KWs such as 'review' or 'best' KWs. This has been covered a lot so just remember, you want KWs which people will make an action when they go to your page. 

How I set up my Amazon Site

Now you have some KWs (You either got your own or you bought them) and you are ready to put up an Amazon site! 

You want to get your hands on the BEST domain possible. Not a brand new EMD. The domain with the best possible metrics. I put several KWs on the same site. I like mid sized sites. Not one page landing pages sites but not 1,000 page sites. 20 - 100 pages is what I eventually shoot for. 

I get content at least 1,000 words long targeting my KW. I include a link to my product I am reviewing within the text, images containing the product link, and I also include a table to the products the article is reviewing. 

A table is done with the plug in 'Easy Table' in Wordpress. I have tried several table plug ins but this one works the best for me. 

I put the review table in two places, near the beginning of the content and near the end. Just like a good CTR placement for an Adsense site. 

Why do I use a table? For an affiliate site, I want users to bounce from my page to the Amazon site as quickly as possible and browse. Sure, I target more expensive products but as long as I get a sale I am good to go. 

The tables I set up typically have some basic product information. A link to the product in Amazon featuring an image, user rating, number of reviews, and some product specs. Not a lot of information but enough to give people a snap shot of information. 

Most often people will not read my content. The content is there to help me rank and on the off chance I get someone to read it, I want a comprehensive review. I aim for a review of the product, how to use the product, and if applicable how to install a product. If I had an article about 'hammers' I would explain how to best use a specific hammer. This converts better than a regular informational article. 

A note on content, for a quality Amazon site, which content is not super important, I always make sure I have high end quality. I do not expect it to play a role but if 1 out of 100 reads it, I can get several extra sales a month by having good content. This gives me a good ROI for paying $XXX for an article after a couple months, so I go for quality. 

The site also will have manual interlinking. My non affiliate pages will have links to my affiliate pages. My affiliate pages will interlink with each other. I have category pages which link to each product in a category. This way the pages with my links to Amazon have the most link juice and a traffic funnel from my other pages. 


1. Get an Amazon Affiliate Account.
2. Do KW research or buy good KWs
3. Find a Good Domain with some links within your niche
4. Put up good review content
5. Use careful link placement, images, and tables to give a lot of opportunities to bounce to Amazon
6. Do not get banned from Amazon or Google 

Nice little recap out of the way, now to the fun part, link building...

SEO Reality Check

First thing first, SEO now takes time. Unlike before, it takes Google a couple weeks to get your site placed properly. Links take a couple weeks to kick into effect as well. This is not a churn and burn project so you must be ready to wait 90 days to get a ROI or rank. If not, go with single page burners and do not use Amazon. 

I need to make this warning because even for a ZERO comp KW, it will take you a bit to pop into SERPs and rank with or without links. This is something most people get wrong. You need to wait for your links to kick in. Do not worry if you do not get a SERP boost from a Web 2.0 you built last week. Get back to me in six weeks if it does not work. 

What links should you build?

Since this is my exact guide I will share all the juicy details on what I exactly do. Step one is foundational link building. This includes Web 2.0s which target my home page and inner pages with naked URL. I also do a Press Release targeting the home page and category pages with naked URL used as well. I do this to get everything indexed with or without Google Webmaster Tools. 

One week later I do a second Press Release targeting another category page or two and the home page. Category pages are targeted with a naked URL, but for the second Press Release I use a branded anchor text. 

If applicable I also do business citations, audio shares, video submission, etc. For these links I use branded anchor texts. I throw in some blog comments with naked URL on real websites related to my niche. 

By week two I have a good back link profile containing manual comments, foundation links, a few Web 2.0 and a couple Press Releases. All of these links are either naked or branded URL. This makes sure everything is index and gives me a great and balanced back link profile. 

Phase Two of SEO

After I have my foundation I check to see where I rank so far. I then target a single KW at a time. I start with the KW closest to number one. I build a handful of Web 2.0s (I have posted several times how I build web 2.0s and target long tail KWs with them) pointing to each page. These Web 2.0s will target LSI or partial match anchors and not my exact match KW. 

I move onto another KW and wait two weeks for the Web 2.0s to kick in. If I used expired Web 2.0s I add in some 301 URL shorteners pointing to them to power them up. If they are new I use the 301s and I add a low velocity of links to each Web 2.0 to power them up. 

After the two weeks I revisit the previous KW and see where it is. If it is still moving up and near the top I let it finish bouncing. If it is not moving or out of SERPs (When a term removes from top 300 that means it will come back but will be placed higher than before) I will move onto Guest Posts and PBN links. 

My PBN links and Guest Posts target exact match and exact match + KWs. An exact match + anchor is where you include the target KW plus a common variation. Common variations are something like 'Best or Review' tacked onto the KW. I do this so I do not have a lot of anchors just for my target KW and I diversify but I still have the full benefit from an exact match anchor. 

Depending on KW competition will decipher how many PBN links I build in this phase. For easy I start with 10. Medium 20. High competition 30 links. 

Phase Three of SEO

Once I place PBN links I move onto another KW. I wait 30 days to see PBN links normally take full effect. I then revisit the KW after 30 days and if I am not ranking where I want to I add one PBN link with exact match anchor every other day for a week and add three or four PBN links. Once again, I move on and wait a month. 

At this point I will add more Web 2.0s to add anchor diversity and target some LSIs as well. I add this around week three of waiting for KWs to bounce into place. 

I normally never get past part three because my competition analysis is spot on. When I first started and I was not that good I would keep adding PBN links monthly until I rank. You can use public networks but I tend to find you need at least twice as many links. So if you want 4 links, you need at least 8 from a public network to get the same movement. I often find I need more than double but it is a good starting point. 

When is a site done?

This is one I have an easy answer for. When I make enough money / ROI with a property. I project how much I will make from a site based on KW searches and the price of my product. I am normally close. 

Before I used this method and got good I would stick with a site until I ranked the profitable KWs I found on the first KW research pass. Then I would move on. 

I ALWAYS revisit a site every three to six months to check for new KWs and check KW trends. Sometimes KWs change or I may have more competition coming up in a niche. This helps me stay ahead of the curve. 

Bonus! Business Advice Below - 

SEO now takes a few months to take full effect. Gone are the days of ranking in a week. Due to this when you get your first check you will feel the need to blow it on some candy and soda, or what ever the kids these days do (Coke, booze, etc). 

What you should do is re - invest into a new site. If you did it once, you can replicate the results. If it takes three months on average for a site to rank number one, if something happens to your site you will be out of luck unless you already had something started. 

Also, when you make it big and move onto SEO full time, you will have a lot of free time if you are not working on a new project. If you ue your first month of profit to pay your expenses back and get more KWs and a domain, month two for content, and three for SEO expenses you will have two great sites in six months. This will double here on out and you will rapidly have an empire. 

This also gives you something to work on and not blow your money. Building Web 2.0s is timely and good ones are expensive, so you can spend a lot of time getting really good at SEO by staying busy and also make your life easier in the future.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Easy way to make >1000$ a month with Reddit+Facebook

With this method, you will have Facebook pages that are automated to post Reddit content.
The idea is that because of the nature of reddit with its subreddits, it's really easy to scrape the right content for your niche.

1. You make a Facebook page
2. Search for a good niche
3. Post on niche Facebook groups to tell them about your FB page
4. Let a bot scrape niche subreddit for content 24/7
5. After a while, when the page has gained traction (>1000 likes), blast it with CPA offers

Example: You make a Facebook page about Fishing for sport. You choose a nice cover+profile photo that fits with the niche. Then you scrape the fishing subreddit for content 24/7. Post on Fishing FB group about your page. Your page will get likes from actual people who are interested in Fishing. After a while you post a CPA offer for new fishing gear. People will be interested and buy the fishing gear. With 1000 likes and a conversion of just 1% (It's much more than that, the people on the FB page are actually interested in the niche!), about 2-3 people will buy the fishing gear.

Let's say you want to make 1000$/month passive income. If you have 100 automated Facebook pages, you would only need to find a way to get 10$/month per page. This is peanuts! Because you have automated your pages to scrape content 24/7, your pages will grow without you having to do a single thing and soon you will earn more than 10$/month/page.

Now that I have outlined the method for you, here is a guide you could follow to get up and running. This is something anyone could set up right now, there is no excuse to not try it imho.

1. Get a server/linux build to put your Redditbot on. You can hire a vps or just get a Raspberry pi like me. For 30$ you will have a small Linux server that can work around the clock for you.
Install Raspbian on the Raspberry pi to get to work. A vps is obviously good too, but it's overkill for this method. You can also install linux on Virtualbox and let it run on your PC if you don't want to spend the money on the Raspberry pi. But I REALLY recommend you do get a Raspberry. In this guide I will use a Raspberry pi.

2. Install a bot service that automatically scrapes reddit and posts for you on FacebookYou can write this yourself or let someone write it for you. I myself use ViralScraper to do it for me. You can download it here for five bucks
I recommend you to just get this, I tried writing it myself and it wasn't stable and the Facebook API gave me a headache. For this guide I will use Viralscraper.

Installing Viralscraper:
Go to the user homedirectory and make a new dir with the name of your Facebookpage (example:Fishing)
Unpack the Viralscraper.tar.gz in this directory
Edit Downloadimglist script to the subreddit you want to download (Example:/r/Fishing/)
Edit Photouploader script to add your Facebook API key.

Viralscraper is really simple and does more than enough for this method. It will scrape the imgurlinks from the subreddit and upload them on the page with a caption it chooses from a file called "subjectlines" or it will retrieve the title of the Imgur picture for you.

3. Use Cronjobs to execute your bot periodicallyUse the command "crontab -e" to edit your Cronjobs. Here you can find an easy online cronjob generator.
I let Downloadimglist run every 40 minutes, Photouploader runs every 15 minutes. This works for me, but you can change it up if you want.
Just play a little with it to see what works for you.

4. Optional: Tell people on Facebook groups about your Facebook page and ask them nicely to like it. This will give you a jumpstart with your page. After a while, people will engage on your page and your likes will grow without your influence.

5. Place your Raspberry pi somewhere and forget about it Congratulations, you now have a employee who will work 24/7 for you!

6. Place CPA offers on your facebook page when it gets popular. Bring in the money!

7. SCALE SCALE SCALE! Now that you found out how easy it is to automate a Facebook page, make pages for every niche you can think of. You should spread your bets, your server will be able to handle a couple 100 facebook pages if you want to. Make sure your cronjobs execute nicely and watch your FB pages grow. You can have a nice automated Facebook farm in a matter of days.

I hope this guide can help some of you fellas to earn some real money and to inspire you to build your own methods!

Cheers guys!

Easy $100 A Day - Perfect For Noobs

The thought of starting an online business and turning it into a profitable company that provides you with both financial freedom and independence, is appealing to many. Some want to be able to be their own boss, others want to be able to spend more time with their family, and many want to be able to travel the world while they run their online business.

When I started out, I had no money to invest, so quickly had to learn how to make money from nothing. This was one of the first methods that worked for me, and I’ve been using it ever since as my various online businesses have grown. I started with around 100 bucks. Here’s a screenshot of one of the websites I sold last year where this method had been used in part to build it up to the stage where it was largely hands off at time of sale (disclaimer: this was not an overnight success!)

A lot of people assume that they can’t make money online because they don’t know how to build websites or rank websites. Well, if you have always wanted to test the online marketing waters but didn’t know where to start, you are in luck. This is something that can be done by someone with:

- Little to no technical knowledge (me when I started)
- No coding or SEO knowledge (me when I started)
- No experience with running a website before (me when I started)
- Around $100 in start up cash (you could invest more or less but this is what I recommend)

Often times the simplest ideas will produce the biggest returns, and this is a prime example of how you can take a simple idea and grow it into a profitable online business. No tricks, just hard work.

Here is what you need to do:

1) Identify an evergreen niche

The first thing you need to do is identify a niche, and you want to take three things into consideration when doing this. First, ask yourself if is this a niche that is very popular with a large selection of products or services that will always have a high demand. You don’t want to target a niche that has a small demand or is just a fad. Think long-term potential here. Some examples of strong niches with endless opportunity include weight loss products and dating offers. People are always going to want to lose weight and people are always going to be interested in dating. There will never be a shortage of consumers actively seeking these products and services online. Pick the wider niche and not something very specific that could be short-term (e.g. such as the latest celebrity diet).

Second, you will need to make sure that your niche is one that has a lot of high paying offers. You don’t want to go through all of this hard work to only make a few dollars per conversion. There are two websites that you can use to help you prospect for niche ideas and also see what offers are available, how popular they are, and finally, how much they pay.

Start with Clickbank or Amazon.

2) Build your website

- Buy a .com domain for 99 cents with this GoDaddy coupon

- If you do not already have hosting, my friends at MonetizePros (who provided the make a website guide) have an exclusive coupon to get a discount on hosting (yes, it's likely an affiliate link, but as it's an exclusive discount and they put the guide together it's nice to help them out!). The first year + domain works out to around $80 with a basic package.

- Pick a review theme for Wordpress. If you read the full post I have suggested a few in there but feel free to choose your own.

- Create 3-5 review posts. Ideally make these unique and based on real experience using the product for best results. If you're lazy just rewrite from other similar sites.

- Insert affiliate links for the products you are reviewing

3) Promote your website

There are lots of ideas in this thread but a simple way to get started is using a simple Google search:

Google Search Tools (100% Free)

When I first started this method I was using Google Alerts as a semi-automated (and free) solution, but there is a more efficient method to utilize in 2015. Here’s how to do this with Google search alone.

Go to Google and search for your keyword. If your keyword is a phrase, put it in quotation marks.
Click on “Search Tools” under the search box.
Change “Any Time” to “Past 24 Hours”
Change “Sorted by relevance” to “Sorted by date” to get the most recent results first.

If you want to search Facebook posts, or any other site, you can also do this on Google by entering the following and changing the time and sort as above:

Searching for: "your keyword"

Find relevant places that are talking about the product/niche you are in and add valuable comments. If you are adding value, link to your review posts directly. 

4) Stay consistent

Popular niches will generate a lot of Google results and a lot of activity through BuzzBundle. A lot of your results are going to come from press releases, new blog posts and forum posts. Keep track of all the URL’s on a daily basis -- if you are not finding at least 50 targets a day then you should consider adding some more products and searches. Whenever you receive a new alert immediately visit the URL and leave a response. Act fast, because you can potentially be the first individual to respond, which will attract more clicks.

Not all of your searches will present you with an opportunity to post, but the majority of blogs and forums will have a window of opportunity for you to leave some feedback that directs readers to your website. Now, when you are creating your posts don’t just say, “Hey, visit” because that will look like pure spam. Not only will you not receive any clicks, but the website will probably delete your post quickly assuming it is spam.

Put some thought into each reply you make, and try to customize it to directly relate to the post you are responding to. This not only helps you get a better response, but it allows you to fly under the radar of website owners and moderators. So, if you were promoting a diet pill product and responding to a question posted on a blog asking about quick ways to lose weight your reply would want to be crafted this way:

“I was in the same boat as you about six months ago. I had no idea what to believe online because everything seemed to be an advertisement. I actually read a personal review about [your product] and it seemed like the person had great success using the product so I gave it a try. I couldn’t have been more excited about the results, as I am now 50 pounds lighter than when I first started using it. The article was very helpful to me -- if you want to check it out yourself you can read it here” [link to your review article].”

Remember, the more products you review, the more traffic you can generate. When you get rolling this directly translates into more sales and profit for your business.

5) Continue to build other traffic sources and you will start to rank in Google

The beauty of this method is that it doesn’t rely on SEO but just by setting up a website and creating content, your review posts (and even forum threads/blog posts you've commented on) will start to rank in Google and receive organic search traffic. Not only can you rank the individual review posts, but you can also create additional posts based on long tail keywords and then direct that traffic to the specific review page. Learning SEOis just one of many ways to attract your first website visitors for free. Using Google and BuzzBundle is the easiest way to start producing highly qualified traffic as well as sales. You can then scale up by outsourcing that work and focusing on creating additional organic traffic sources through search engine optimization later on.

To conclude: 

Creating a website and scaling it to a six figure per year online business is a very achievable task as long as you know the proper steps to take and don’t give up. This method allows you to build a business that produces residual income and starts to produce revenue almost instantly. You don’t have to wait months for expensive search engine optimization to kick in -- and you don’t have to worry about Google rankings and avoiding penalties and algorithm changes. In fact, you don’t have to rely on ranking in Google at all to be successful with this method!


Q) How long until I start to make money? A) Usually within a week of consistent posting and commenting you should start seeing traffic and hopefully sales
Q) I can't afford a domain! A) A .com is 99 cents here.
Q) How much can I make? A) Many people in this thread have been making $10-100/day. Others have scaled and some have even sold their websites (like I did).
Q) I have never made a website before, how do I do it? A) Follow this guide
Q) Which host should I use? Are there discounts? A) Try this coupon
Q) I keep getting banned, what should I do? A) Keep trying and move onto other sites. Make sure to add value and not just spam your link with your first comment
Q) Can you mentor me? A) No, but feel free to ask questions here

Good luck!