Monday, September 14, 2015

Make money with Streaming Videos (no invensment) Newbie Friendly

I will show you a method that i used, still am actually since this can be made autopilot. Sorry if my English is bad, its not my mother language.
Ok so we will be using Vodlocker and Solarmovie is. (I still can't post links)
I think you can use any Streaming website but i went with Vodlocker since you can copy other members videos into your account for free.
So head over to Vodlocker and make an account. (You can sign up under me use slash free892. html, you don't have to if you dont want but i would appreciat it).
Then got to Solarmovie is, and make an account there. (To become a linker and add links to any movie you want you will need to have over 75 submitted links and 400+ rep)
Now there is a trick you can use to become a linker with ease.
1. Click on the Movies or TV Shows menu.
2. Click on Latest ( and open every movie or show that has less then 5 submitted links)
3. If someone else has already submitted a link with vodlocker click on the link and go play video then right click and inspect element and find the vodlocker link).
4. Go back to vodlocker and go to upload files and then copy files. Remove the embed- and -640x360 copy link and boom you also have the movie in you account.
5. Submit a link to solarmovie with your vodlocker
If it doesnt have a vodlocker link then try to search in google movie name site:vodlocker or download the movie and upload it (This is to much work actually just find a movie with a vodlocker link already)
And scale, you will submit links to become a linker and get traffic to your vodlocker video at the same time. You can also submit your links to other sites i when with solarmovie because its a well visited site and you can copy movies.
For payment proof go to imgur just type slash 6Acn7JY - this is the picture ID.
This a good mehod for newbies looking for a almost autopilot methoed with a litte work. You won't make a lot of money with this but its a start :)
If you have any question ask here i cant answer to pm's.
Also you can join other websites like Vodlocker and upload videos there and then add the link on the same movie that your vodlocker link is just with a diffrent website. They allow this actually :D
And you can add links to new movies like Ant-man or Terminator Genesis but its hard, you have to add the link when they add the movie like in the first 1 maybe 2 hours tops and it has to have less then 5-8 submitted links. Then when others post links and the movie has 200-300+ links your link will also be there and if it gets voted up and up it will be the first link(and a recomended one) for the movie. This has happened to me so yea it hard but not impossible.

3 NEWBIE easy to do methods $10/day

I felt to give back to community, so I will post this methods.
Keep in mind, this ones are blackhat, they are quite known and most of you older guys will recognize it.
Please don't hate, I'm just trying to help.
Also keep in mind to add your own twists, nothing will work like it worked for someone else
Basically you need to choose 3 or so dating offers. Or any offer really that pays out for registering on a site and creating a profile etc. Payout all together should be like $10-$15.
State that you are looking to employ someone with very little technical knowledge to be a site testers. Basically their job would be reviewing sites and checking it for bugs and spelling mistakes etc. They would have to test the functionality of the site and see if everything is running smoothly. Pay would be per site reviewed and make it look appealing.
When people contact you explain that you are not receiving many applicants so they have high chances of getting the job. At first tell them to sign up with 3 sites (your aff links) And on these sites they would have to test functionality. So that means that they would have to upload pictures , create profiles etc. Send messages through the site system. Really test everything. Tell them that you know exactly how many "bugs" there are , so all they have to do is come back to you with the number of "bugs" they found.
Doing that which will make them look legit active leads. This is a method that works amazingly in offline world. Like newspapers etc.
You can pay them like $5-10 and make profit, or if you are really blackhatish, don't pay them. You can promote this on any classfied ad, most popluar would be craiglist.

This is just a quick overview of something you can try out if you like if you’re going to crawl and extract people’s e-mails from CL
''Hi There,
I was just looking at your post on Craigslist. I'm an Advertising Student, and as part of an assignment we have to show our skills in marketing something which is free. (We aren't allowed to make money from this assignment unfortunately, lol)
So, what I'm going to do is to show you where to get some *blah blah blah for Free Yes, they really are free! If you get them from the link below, I will get the "credit" for a lead, and I just might pass this course Thanks in advance for at least checking this out.
AFF Link Here''
You could also say, and I just might win this contest if you play the contest route/spin
Go to Commission Junction and apply for the "freelance" offer. Basically it pays around $9 for a person who signs up the site.
Now go to forums or CL etc and say that you are looking for a website designed (can be any job. For instance articles written etc)
Basically sound like a noob. For instance tell that you need 10 500 word articles written. And you would pay $35 for each article. When people contact you, tell them that you will only accept them if they sign up with your "freelance" site and apply through that. Explain them that this is for security measures, so if anything goes wrong, there will be a record of all your conversations etc. And of course every time they do , you'll get paid.

3rd is the easiest one, you just need to find some offer which pays when someone registers on freelance site.
Hope I helped, and please don't trash or hate, methods can work flawless with just little twists, be creative
Hope to see you makin some money

How I got accepted into every CPA network as a noob. Easily.

I realize there's a thread here, after skimming it I realized it was way too long of a process...

So I'm going to share my experience with getting accepted into every cpa network, including peerfly (which I'm told is hard).

Please keep in mind this was years ago and times do change.

Regardless I hope you find this helpful, and I would bet it still works.

Step 1: Have a "I'm not desperate" mentality when applying. I never was, and even though I had earned "$xx,xxx" at the time I still would consider myself a noob considering I was only into the CPA world for a few months.

Step 2: When applying to the network I never once gave them a website, in the forms (if there were any) I said something along the lines of "confidential" then in the additional info box I would explain I've had niches stolen in the past and do not want to risk it.

Step 3: When they ask why you're applying I always put something short and sweet with no formalities it makes me seem like I had little time to spare and was not trying hard. I put something along the lines of "I'm currently using (long list of CPA platforms) and was interested if yours could earn me more.

Step 4: Whatever additional info is required keep that "I'm not desperate" mentality, or just confidence... Think about it, if you're making HUGE money, do you expect to be rejected? No, of course not, I never expected to be rejected, and I never was.

That's it. If you have anything else you would like to add, or if you try this and have results to share please do.

PS: This was about 3 years ago I did this, and found myself a member of most CPA networks, BlamAds (bankrupt) Leadbolt (Before they switched focus to mobile) CPALead (They'll accept anyone and I suggest you stay away from them, long story), Peerfly (which after someone telling me they were hard to get into inspired this post)... A few others I can't seem to recall, but I know they existed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Parasites PWN! - Leeching From Authority Sites = $$$$

Parasites PWN! - Leeching From Authority Sites = FAST Rankings & BIG Monies $$$$

You've all heard the news right!?... BH SEO is dead right?.. SPAM is dead right? You can't make fast money with SEO anymore right?... WRONG!!... It's never been so alive and it's never been so easy either..

The problem with you kids today (the majority of you) is that the Google propaganda machine has got to you and corrupted your weak mortal minds, it has somehow managed to infiltrate it's way onto this once glorious BLACK HAT SEO Forum we call home, all too often now I'm seeing my BH brothers regurgitating and repeating Matt Cutts utter bullshit on threads here, the more sheeple that spread this misinformation the worse it gets, like a fucking domino effect and it's sad to see. The fact is folks BH SEO is very much alive and in my honest opinion has never been so much so...

Over the next few weeks/months I'm going to be sharing some BH SEO content, stuff I use personaly, some theories and anything else I think could be beneficial to someone at least hah, my hope is this will spark feedback, twists and get others sharing/talking about actual BH SEO ranking/banking methods.. - I will talk about some of my actual campaigns, I will give you pieces of the puzzle but I will not spoon feed you..

Today I will be talking about "Parasites" and how I use these little babies to multiply the numbers in my bank account, I'm surprised there is not much talk about these on BHW at the moment as they are hot stuff right now and they've been around a very long time used in one form or other by SEOs, lack of chat here might be due to their effectiveness and guys banking not wanting to talk..


Firstly lets go back to basics here, what on earth is a "Parasite"?...

Well quite simply Parasites are high Authority sites which Google deems trustworthy and they give a lot of LOVE to..
When we talk about them in terms of SEO and this method here we are referring to creating an inner page on one of these High Authority sites then ranking it - it then has a link which leads back to my money site, direct offer or landing page, here are a few examples of the more widely known Parasites SEOs might use...

HQ News Sites
Amazon Product Pages (excellent!)
HQ Forums (posts/threads)
Yahoo Answers

That's just a very small handful of the most used and common ones, basically you are looking for a site with high authority - with solid metrics all round and which will allow you to create some content on it! You can find literally heaps of these though it's just a matter of searching - I have compiled a Large List Of Parasites on down the thread for you too.

TIPS: Check out the highly spammed big $$ niches you will find heaps of parasites in plain daylight, Alexa top sites - common sense really if it's a well placed site in Alexa you can guarantee Google gives it love. Feel free to share any other tips or actual sites to use here..


What's the Pros here? Why should I be taking advantage of these little gems!?

It's simple really these pages are LOVED by Google, Big G is literally sucking the balls off these sites, in Google's eyes these sites only bang out high quality content, content people want to read, content people link to and spread like wild fire - Can anybody say VIRAL EFFECT!?

These sites are generally years old, very high PR and all round high metrics, they will have 100s of 1000s if not millions of links already going to them, pages receiving 1000s of links is nothing out of the ordinary on these sites.

So pages on these sites can take a hammering of links and be ranked very quickly - some even in a few days, I shit you not! This simply isn't doable with a normal website in such a short time frame.

Forget the rule book here too, it's out the window! Normal SEO rules do not apply, you can fire mass links at these babies like a maniac, again you couldn't do this in most cases with a normal web property without setting off red flags. These sites are already online and thriving, they are free for you to use.. The costs here are your time in doing SEO and content if you are using a content based parasite like I will be showing you below.


Time to make some cheddar!..

So now that we are all aware of what a Parasite is and why you should be using them I'm going to talk about one approach I've been using, I won't be giving away actual specifics/kws on my niche here as it's still one I'm dabbling in, I will provide screenshots with ranking updates and try to be as forthcoming as possible though wile still keeping my sensitive data private. I will talk about my own campaign below and give you the pieces - as I said at the start of the thread I will not spoon feed people.

There are countless ways and approaches to use Parasites to your advantage, some of you no doubt are already banking hard with these methods (sorry for outing!), this method is a common one used by Parasite junkies..

You'll need a domain for this (more on why later), head on over to your regular registrar and grab one.. Make sure the domain is relevant to the actual offer/product you are hoping to promote and bank on, also nothing silly here - reason being we want this domain to pass any checks on the Parasite site, a stupid domain name will raise flags with a moderator or reviewer which this site certainly has so keep it professional.

For this approach you are going to need content and this needs to be GRADE A High Quality content - shit content will not fly on this Parasite, I personally use BHW member "reallife" when I require content of this caliber, you will need an article around 7-800 words in length.

Obviously you are going to need a product or offer to promote, for the method below I will be going after an ever green forex niche, the offer is a CPA offer.

Duh.. You're going to need links and you're going to need shit loads of them, get ready to fire up them tools or pay someone to do the link building for you.. I'll go into more details on the link building below..

The site I will be using today is actually a forum, it's one of the largest forums and content farms on the web and I'm sure a lot of you have heard of it ""


There's method in the madness!...

We have all the pieces of the puzzle now it's time to put them together..

The aim here is to get an article/thread live on (or your own Parasite selection - see my list at the bottom of the OP), this is simple enough to do - you sign up and post a thread, topix will have a subsection for almost every niche you can imagine, I went with the finance sub forum.. Now be aware just because it is easy to get a thread live does not mean it will stick, read on..

Product review, affiliate looking posts etc are not going to fly for long from my findings they will be outed and deleted by moderators, for example the niche I'm targeting is a "Forex" based niche and the product is a sort of Forex bot which supposedly makes trading easier, this is where the quality article comes into play - a well written high quality thread/article on your niche will last much longer and fly under the radar.

What I did here was I instructed the copywriter to write me up an in-depth article on Forex trading - an analysis article with a hint of reviewing in there, I gave him the main keyword instructing him to slip it into the article as much as he could but of course looking natural within the article, I also gave him several secondary keywords instructing him to fit them in if he can. So I got back a professionally written Article which the guys at topix should have no issues with, the article appears to be talking about the current Forex markets and day to day trading, within the article my keyword is stuffed in there a few times in a subtle way.

The thing about topix is you cannot use an anchor text, you are using the blank url.. this is why I bought a decent looking domain earlier, affiliate links will get your post deleted. So for now I redirect the domain to an authority site in the forex niche, this way it looks legit and as if it's an actual reference to a point in my article, I will come back to this then later..

So once your article is live let it mature for a day or two..

It's time to build some links...

Now comes the fun part!..

This is the sheer beautiful part of Parasites - The link building.. As I mentioned earlier these babies can take a hammering and that's what we're going to give them.. The aim here is to create a "Viral Effect" in the eyes of Google, these Parasite sites like have content going Viral naturally EVERY single day, this is nothing new to Google for these sites.. So we want to mimic this effect artificially..

I start off with a social links campaign - Again the Viral Effect: If something is worth reading, worth sharing and gaining traction it will naturally start to be shared all over social networks, so you want to create this effect, I fire an onslaught of social signals from fb posts/likes/shares, tweets and retweets, pinterest pins/repins - These are the ones I use as I feel they are the only relevant ones to the mass public and would be shared naturally.

Next comes actual link building - I run a campaign over 10 days consisting of flat out SPAM think multiple copies of GSA and ZennoPoster on hyper-drive, url shortner 301s (shameless self plug: similar to what we do in Spam Nation for you lazy BHers), backed up with lower level tier 2 links in their 10s of 1000s.. I try my best to stick with the contextual platforms. All in all I'm building a total of around 10k tier 1 links (majority contextual) with around 6k of those being unique domains over the 10 days, then I have 10s of 1000s of lower level tier 2 links (wikis, bookmarks, blog comments etc) to super charge these.

Velocity: Again the rule book doesn't apply much in terms of velocity either as this shit is going VIRAL, I tend to keep my velocity somewhat consistent though at around 1k-1.5k links per day, as I said tier 1 contextual links will work best for you..

Anchor diversity and %s are not important here either (sweet right!?), as I keep saying forget the rule book it's out the window.. I tend to keep around 40% of the links to my actual main kw, 50% then gos on my secondary keywords and the remaining 10% is generic "click here" etc and blank urls of the article.

This will usually be more than enough to push most keywords onto the first or second page in around 25-30 days max, I'll give it 5 days after the blast has completed at the very most.. If I'm not where I want to be I will throw in a platinum Speed Rank package which is 525 High PR links from Russian networks such as SAPE.. 9 times out of 10 this is not needed when using Parasites because of the love and authority Google gives them they rank with pure mass spam.


Time to bring home the bacon...

As soon as your post hits page 1 on Google its time to redirect your domain you bought to to your lander/offer page - by this time it's unlikely topix will be rechecking your post to see if the domain redirects - only thing you need to worry about now is competitors in your niche reporting you when they get jelly of you dominating their niche in a matter of days. I simply directed the domain to the products landing page with my aff ID attached, then I sat back and watched the sign ups begin to fly in..

Just so you know there are countless good parasites out there to choose from, my theory before doing this though was simple.. topix is a beast, it's busting at the seems with Authority and content so what better a target to use.

This is why Parasites are so lucrative and I guess why people don't share much on them here, its like an all out war and the normal rules do not apply, once you have put all the pieces together you go into battle with an all out assault of links! I've obviously left out some of my private details here, in time and through practice you will learn more efficient link structures and rank even quicker - then it's time to look at automating the whole process, I've given you an outline here - Now get out there and make it rain! This is honestly one of the easiest ways going to rank for big $$$$ kws quickly, when it burns you simply rinse and repeat.


Check them out for yourself, below are a few screenshots I took over 7 weeks on one project...

DAY 1: The content has just been posted, I will drip feed a shit load of social signals now over the next 4 days..

DAY 4: I fire up the tools and begin an all out assault, at this stage I have the whole system automated from the first scraping of the content I'll use for the contextual links.. right down to finishing off with all created links running through 2 indexers at the end of each day, as mentioned above I keep velocity to around 1-1.5k links per day and take roughly 10 days to complete. Before I start I've recorded how things are sitting right now, the keywords are bouncing in and out as can be seen, natural fluctuations and perhaps a small effect from the social signals - this will all start to change very soon..

1 WEEK IN: So one week into the blast, all the keywords have vanished which is to be expected - we are firing 1000s of links at this site in a short period of time so it is naturally dancing, it will bounce back stronger than before over the next few weeks.

2 WEEKS IN: We are nearing the end of the actual link blasting, you can see some keywords are bouncing around the 3rd, 4th and 5th pages this is a good sign!

3 WEEKS IN: 3 weeks in now and the blasting has finished, as you can see the keywords are still dancing around like crazy, I will leave it for another week or so to see where I sit and if needs be then fire in some high PR links from a Speed Rank package to finalize those positions!

4 WEEKS IN: 4 weeks into things now, all keywords are on the map now but still some serious dancing going on, nice to see one of my keywords has now reached the top of page 3 with others not far behind.. I'm going to fire a platinum package of Speed Rank at this now, in most cases this is over kill and not needed in those amounts but I really have no patience and want to see this baby ranked. I will give the Speed Rank links around 2-3 weeks to fully gauge their effectiveness...

7 WEEKS IN: Ok so things took a little longer than expected, but the Speed Rank links have well and truly kicked in now and these sort of results in 7 weeks isn't too shabby, I redirected the domain yesterday and have begun getting a steady stream of hits to the offer but no conversions yet - not that I'm worried I know they're most definitely on the way.. Some of the keywords are still dancing quite a lot, others are still pushing for those top spots. I'll continue to throw some more spam at this now until I get the rankings more stable and try to grab those other top spots.

And there you have it, this is just one of several projects I'm working on at the minute, this should yield me an extra $2-$3k per month it's a small niche but not too shabby for a small amount of work and it should hold out for some time unlike the bigger $$ niches - 5-10 of these ranking at the one time you'll be living very comfortably and it's 100% doable plus even easier when you eventually have the whole system automated, when/if rankings begin to dwindle it's usually because of links drops, I will simply top up with more links to replace any links that have dropped to maintain rankings - in the bigger niches you'll be reported a lot quicker so may not get to that point! As I said before I've left out the finer details and that's for 2 simple reasons, these are my ranking strategies I use to rank for aff products like above and I'm also a big service provider here as you'll know, I'm not about to hand the keys to my treasure chest to the mass public.. It is as simple as I've just shown though when you perfect it.


Below is a list of sites which have been and are being used as Parasites, I have compiled this list from my own data, multiple forum posts and SEO blogs if you have anymore feel free to share them. Recently found this out.. if you have SERPWoo it has a tool within it called "SERP Sightings Module" if you want to find out if one of the below is being used a lot now simply throw it in there, it will give you insights into average positions, increases and decreases.. this is a sure fire way to gauge if it's currently being used a lot as a Parasite.

Some of these will allow you to post content, others will be profiles, forums, web 2.0s, Q&A sites..

Code: - product pages

HQ News sites (There's countless numbers of news sites you can use as Parasite) - through PRWeb, SBWire, PRLog etc


You can use Parasites very effectively in ORM - shit it's basically what ORM consists of.. simply pick out a few of the more popular Parasites like social media accounts belonging to the client that should be enough for most of the first page then pick more from the list I've shared above, spam them to the top.. generally ORM campaigns are a walk in the park as it's the clients name or business name 90% of the time or a long tail variation with "scam" or similar in them, so it's very easy to rank parasites for these terms and knock the bad press off the first page - happy client.

Another thing I know a lot of agencies are doing now, you have a new demanding client they want sales and results like yesterday or perhaps you just want to get your client some sales to keep him happy.. ranking his site carefully is going to take some time, it'll be months before he begins to see any returns on his investment, so rank some parasites in the mean time for long tail variations of his kws, rank them quick and capture the leads for the client, he's getting steady leads keeping him happy which keeps him on board so you can concentrate on his actual site, this will impress clients to a serious degree.

Also going off the approach above on lead capturing for clients.. you could also set yourself up parasites for all the high ticket local businesses "dentists", "lawyers" etc etc capture leads through a lander linked to from your parasite, when you get it ranked and begin to capture some leads - start calling up these businesses to sell the leads, these will be hot leads - businesses will pay a good price for them, you should have no problem selling them as to an offline business like a lawyer just one of those hot leads you have given him could potentially be worth 10s of 1000s of dollars or at the very least a few 1000!

Early releases too are a great way to use Parasites - know of a new movie or game coming out? or anything really that people will want which is about to be released, get your Parasites up a day or two before it hits the market publicly, you will dominate before others even have a chance. This can be great for those clickbank products by the IM gurus we all know the type right? Join their lists - they hype up a lot with the pre-release to their potential affiliates, you'll get early info on when their new super product is going to go live - get those Parasites up in time.

My $100-300/day easy money making method

Here is my new method which I am making anywhere from $100-300 per day

The Method
This method is all about outsourcing SEO services, as the saying goes - those that made the most money during the gold rush were those selling the maps. The gold, ATM, is SEO and the maps are the services. For that I used SEOClerks because the services start as low as $1 and there are some really good services for SEO sold no where else (think quality).

You can really use any marketplace, I chose SEOClerks because I know it, it is big and I like how they operate. They give me some perks because I've been on their so long and because I make so many sales.

How I make bank
1) Go to SEOClerks (or wherever you chose) and find a good service. I'll list some of the ones I use below.
2) I buy the services for myself first usually, just to see if I can work with the seller and to ensure they can deliver timely.
3) I only pick level 2+ (often 3 or level X) that deliver in less time than they claim it takes
4) I only pick sellers who respond quickly via PM/email
5) Determine a price to sell it for. Selling a $1 service for $2 isn't really worth the effort. Selling a $1 service
for $5 is better but selling it for $10 is gold. I take a $29 service and sell it for $60, for example. That is worth
my time and effort.

Now that you have selected a service to outsource you need to determine how to promote it. There are several methods that I've used.

1) Sell it "yourself" by listing it on other forums and marketplaces. Don't copy/paste because you don't want people to link it back or they will just order from the cheaper source.
This is really great for quick sales but takes a lot of effort to maintain. Also, forum threads die out.

2) Create a site with "authority" in mind. You don't want to create a site, spam it to death, get 10 quick sales and then drop from the SERPs. Make a site, write good
content, have a sales pitch and promote people to buy your service(s).

This is my primary method. I have 10 sites all for different niches with long-tail keywords. They all target a different group of people (webmasters, social networking, writers, forum posts, etc).

For example, I started a "forum posting" business. I buy forum posts for $5 or less on SEOClerks from about 3-5 users who I've tested. I was able to rank for this easily and it is very non-competitive to advertise in. This doesn't violate Facebook ads or Adwords or anything so they all let me advertise on there. I do some advertisement but this cuts in profit so I only do it for highly converting keywords.

Make sure you create a fanpage, google+, etc and get tweets, +1s, etc to your website. Don't blast it with spam as the goal here is long-term conversion.

3) Create an affiliate site. A couple of sites allow you to become an affiliate. Again, I use SEOClerks because it is an affiliate for life program.

This is the most passive option because you don't even have to handle the order or deal with the client. You just withdraw money.

Ranking and other factors
Pick a long-tail keyword for your website/niche. Make your entire website about that and rank it using whitehat, tier 1 links and tweets. Tweets are like gold right now IMO. They rank you very quickly.

Make sure your keyword is directly related to the service you resell.

Make sure your keyword isn't against any TOS if you plan on using ads.

If you have the money to use ads, you can make a ton of sales just from advertising. I like adwords, facebook (cheap) and 7search for this. I've used Bing but it sucks.

You don't even need to worry about SEO if you use this route but you have to have money which sucks. It also cuts into your profit. The more you scale up, the more you get sales but the more you spend too.

I don't recommend ads if you are selling a cheap service for cheap (IE: $1 to $5) but if you can sell something like $5 for $40, that is a huge profit and ads are great.

A few services I resell
I'm not going to list them all because you'll steal them . Here are a few I use already: - Barry is very easy to work with and drives results. This service is $29, I sell for $59. He has a $57 service but I didn't think I could sell it high enough to get the demand for profit. - Bert, same as Barry is very responsive. $25 and I sell for $50. -> $5, I sell for $10 (I sell a lot of the forum posts on a "forum posting service site").

If you have problems with any sellers from whatever marketplace you pick, just pick another one. They are replaceable. That is the beauty of my system. I provide an AWESOME customer support to the people that buy from me and they keep coming back because I am that middle man. They think me and my "team" are doing it all when really it is just someone else doing it, lol.

That is it. If you need an easy way to make money that is scalable, this is it. Very little effort, you don't need to know anything to start and it works.

Easy way to generate $35 per day. Requires investments


Just wanted to share strategy which works like a charm and wanted to remind for EVERYONE what to make money is not hard , you need just proper method or technique and to take action. This method is easy and works for everyone, but it requires some investments.
It's not complete guide from A to Z how to set up everything ,but it will give idea how everything works. And it's not free by the way.

I think the easiest way to start generating money is to jump into SOLO ADS business. You just need two main things,one is email list and another thing is autoresponder. You sent email,people open, click and you making money. I will not explain what is solo ads and how it works, there are plenty of resources in internet about solo ads business,how they work and so on.

So the first thing is EMAIL LIST. Don't think you could just scrap emails and use it for solo ads business. You need quality list, because you would sell the traffic for people and you MUST provide them only quality traffic. What is quality traffic? It's traffic which buys, which respons,which clicks and opens and which is in IM niche.

How to get this type of email list? Simply, buy it. I will give facebook solo ads groups to join. After joining like 10 or more groups you need just post message and tell what you want to buy email list. In no time you will receive messages from people who are selling email list. You need to make sure he is solo ads seller and have testimonials. If he have good testimonials ask him to provide the screen shot of open rate ,click rate, this way you could be sure you will generate clicks and can calculate how much you can earn per day. For example if the person selling 10k email list and he is showing screen shot with 1% CTR,you could expect to generate about 100 clicks from sent email,so its easy minimum $30 per day.

Join these groups:

Abel's Solo Ad Marketplace
Adswap - Solo Ad Market Place
Adswap Central
Ad-swaps, Solo Ads, Giveaway Events and JV Group
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open rate, click rate, bounce rate, spam rate. Make sure the person who contacted you and offering the list is solo ads seller and have testimonials, check if he/she is member in solo ads groups. If everything is right and you feel like he is trusted, you can make a deal, negotiate.

Now you should have EMAIL LIST, so lets move into autoresponder part.

Everyone knows that to send emails(many emails) you need to have autoresponder. There are many ways to send the emails, but many of them are crap ways,because emails will land into spam folders and you will not generate clicks at all,so I will tell TWO best ways of sending emails and getting them into INBOX.

First way is importing emails into Aweber or Getresponse account. This way is great ,because you not only are safe from aweber ban, but also you could send emails and they will land into inbox everytime. To import the list into aweber or getresponse you need to have some persons contacts who can import or know some service which doing it. I will post several sites which import the emails.


I am not promoting this site adn these sites not mine or anything like what ,I am posting this site because the service is good and tested. Just scroll down and write skype message to guy from website and tell, you want to import the emails only.
Or if you prefer contact me and I will help with importing the list, will give contacts, suggestions.

So this part is end. You find and buy email list from solo ads sellers, you import bought email list into aweber or getresponse and you can send emails right away.

Now another way of sending emails. It's self hosted autoresponder. In order to get and install self hosted autoresponder you need to have VPS(virtual private servers). If you know how to set up IP rotation, how to setup servers and how to install Inerspire its good to you and go for it, but if you dont know how to do it(like I ) I suggest you to order some services which are professionals in this field. I will not post some contacts as I dont want to get some problems from admins,but if you are really interested to try this method please PM me and I will personally help and give some contacts.

Interspire training videos (how to use Interspire) -
So there are two very good ways of sending emails and getting them into INBOX, it's Aweber/Getresponse or selfhosted autoresponder platform.

Okay, now you have email list (let's take example of 10k subscribers email list) and Autoresponder. Whats next?

Next you need to write some follow up emails to warm up the List and to maximize the open and click rate for bigger profits.
I sugest to watch these free videos about copywriting, it's really awesome videos.

This one is also very good
Here you can download email swipe files
Just study these videos and write some follow up emails,like 4-7 informative, quality emails, it will create to you relationship with your list and they will be more responsive.

Also you need to have some tracking tools to track how many clicks you generating. There are paid tools, but for beggining I suggest to use free tools. 

How to use tracking tool

This part is easiest - it's SELLING

You now are in many of the solo selling facebook groups and now you need to post your add offering your solo ads traffic service. It's really not hard. I will give some examples of the adds.

Looking For High Converting, Reliable, Honest Solo Ad Traffic?
--> 100 - 200 HQ Extremely Fresh & Responsive clicks READY TO GO OUT!!! 


High quality traffic
75-80% Tier 1
BOOK Early To Avoid Dissapointment 


==> Huge Discount $0.38/click ready to rock n' roll
==> 100 - 1000 VERY HIGH QUALITY CLICKS Available
==> Guaranteed 85% top tier traffic AU, US, UK, NZ, CA and IE
==> Internet Marketing, Home Bus.Ops, MLM and Affiliate Marketing Niche.


It's some examples of how and what to write in the facebook groups. You need to know how many clicks you could generate per day,to do this you just sent email and see how many clicks you generated. If you generate 100 clicks per day ,dont sell 200 clicks per day,because you are unable to provide 200 clicks. But actually you will make deals with every person different, one client maybe would be happy to receive 200 clicks per two days or another clients per 3 days. You need to proper communicate with potential clients and agree with your own offer/deal.
I suggest to put $0,35/click price in the beggining . After you gather testimonials you can increase the price to $0,4/click. How to get testimonials ? Just ask client to write testimonial after you delivered the clicks and he will write. Also there are several big facebook groups where buyers post they results.

Selling process. You post the add --> potential client contacts you --> he ask if you can send today the clicks and have free spot for today or whatever day --> client give the link, and you give him paypal email adress --> clients makes payment and you add his given link into your email body and send the email

To summarize everything:

1. Join facebook solo ads groups
2. Post message telling what you are buying email list.
3. Make sure person who contact you and offering list is solo ads seller and find his testimonials.
4. Ask for proof of open rate,click rate, top tier.
5. Contact people who can import list into aweber/getresponse or contact people who can set up self hosted autoresponder platform. (you can contact me first and I will help you and give some suggestions).
6. Study video material about copywriting and swipes files.
7. Set up follow up emails.
8. Set up click tracker.
9. Start posting you solo ads offers in the fb groups and make money !

Investments needed: 

10k list would cost about $300. From 10k list you should receive minimum 1% click rate.
Importing 10k into aweber/getresponse would cost about $300. To import the list into self hosted platform would cost ZERO ,but servers and all setup - about $200.
Tracking tool - $0.
Overall about $600. From 10k you should generate minimum 100 clicks,so it's $35 per day, $1050 per month. So in one month you would get back your investments and make $450 profits.