Monday, September 14, 2015

How I got accepted into every CPA network as a noob. Easily.

I realize there's a thread here, after skimming it I realized it was way too long of a process...

So I'm going to share my experience with getting accepted into every cpa network, including peerfly (which I'm told is hard).

Please keep in mind this was years ago and times do change.

Regardless I hope you find this helpful, and I would bet it still works.

Step 1: Have a "I'm not desperate" mentality when applying. I never was, and even though I had earned "$xx,xxx" at the time I still would consider myself a noob considering I was only into the CPA world for a few months.

Step 2: When applying to the network I never once gave them a website, in the forms (if there were any) I said something along the lines of "confidential" then in the additional info box I would explain I've had niches stolen in the past and do not want to risk it.

Step 3: When they ask why you're applying I always put something short and sweet with no formalities it makes me seem like I had little time to spare and was not trying hard. I put something along the lines of "I'm currently using (long list of CPA platforms) and was interested if yours could earn me more.

Step 4: Whatever additional info is required keep that "I'm not desperate" mentality, or just confidence... Think about it, if you're making HUGE money, do you expect to be rejected? No, of course not, I never expected to be rejected, and I never was.

That's it. If you have anything else you would like to add, or if you try this and have results to share please do.

PS: This was about 3 years ago I did this, and found myself a member of most CPA networks, BlamAds (bankrupt) Leadbolt (Before they switched focus to mobile) CPALead (They'll accept anyone and I suggest you stay away from them, long story), Peerfly (which after someone telling me they were hard to get into inspired this post)... A few others I can't seem to recall, but I know they existed.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you can make money by locking selected pages of your blog or site?
    To begin you need to join CPALead and use their content locking tool.
